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Lago Canaraci Amazon
Giant Water Lilies (Victoria amazonica) are legendary, as they can support the weight of a child. We may see them at Lago Canaçari. A channel dug from the river allows boat access to the lake. Seasonal inundation from the river system replenishes the lakes. The lake waters have few currents and the shallow quiet waters allow water plants to flourish. The famous Giant Water Lilies have enormous round leaves (lily pads) with upturned rims making them look like huge pastry tarts. The plant’s roots are anchored to the lakebed and leaf stalks rise to the lily pads floating on the water surface. The leaves are solar panels using the sun’s energy to fuel further leaf production. The underside of each leaf is artistically patterned with large ribs to give it strength. Birds use the floating platforms. Look for sedate herons standing on lily pads watching for fish and pretty Wattled Jacanas with elongated toes walking casually on the floating leaves. Even if lilies are scarce this year, there is much other flora to explore. Along the shore of the channel look for Ceropia trees with large lobed leaves and visible branches. Sloths like to eat Ceropia leaves so keep a look out for hairy lumps on the branches. Fruit-eating birds feed on the fruit and spread the tree’s seeds in their droppings. Ceropia fruit are called snake fingers. Wait, snakes don’t have fingers! The fruit is so named because it is long and thin. Toucans, aracari and larger parrots are among the birds that seek the fruit.