Port Overview
Boca do Jari (Meruim Island), Brazil
Boca do Jari (Meruim Island) is located on the Amazon River, Brazil.
Cruise Season – Jan - Dec
Currency – Real (R$) (BRL)
Language – Portuguese
Population – 75 approx
Electricity – 2 perpendicular flat pins USA style
Time – GMT minus three hours
International Country Telephone Code – + 55
Port Location – Ships anchor outside of Boca do Jari and transfer is by zodiac.
Transport Links - Access to Boca do Jari is via Manaus or Belem in Brazil.
There are flights to Manaus from Sao Paulo or Rio de Janeiro. Manaus is a major destination for boats on the Amazon River. From Belém on the Atlantic Coast, it takes about five days. Boats go to Porto Velho two-three times per week. Tabatinga on the border with Colombia can also be reached by boat from Manaus, with connections further on to Iquitos in Peru.
There are regular international flights linking Belém to Cayenne, Georgetown, Paramaribo and Miami, and many direct domestic flights linking Belém to Brasilia, Fortaleza, Manaus, Rio de Janeiro and Macapá. Bus Pratinhas to/from Presidente Vargas, and Marex to/from Prça da República.
Many daily boats to nearby islands, including twice to Ilha do Marajó. Also to Macapá, Santarém and Manaus, with connections further north and west.