Destination Overview
When Would You Like to Cruise?
Ports of Interest
- Abel Tasman National Park
- Acheron Passage, New Zealand
- Ahe, Tuamotu Islands
- Ailinglaplap Atoll, Marshall Islands
- Aitu, Cook Islands
- Aitutaki, Cook Islands
- Akaroa New Zealand
- Alcester Is. Papua New Guinea
- Alderman Islands, New Zealand
- Aleipata Islands, Samoa
- Ali Island, Papua New Guinea
- Alim Island, Admiralty Islands
- Alite Harbour, Solomons
- Alofi, Niue
- Alotau, Papua New Guinea
- Ambae (Bali Hai), Vanuatu
- Ambrym Island Vanuatu
- Amédée Islet, New Caledonia
- Amsterdam Island, PNG
- Anaa, French Polynesia
- Aneityum, Vanuatu
- Antipodes Island, New Zealand
- Anuta Island, Solomon Islands
- Apataki, Tuamotu Archipelago
- Apia, Western Samoa
- Apra, Guam, USA
- Arnavon Islands, Solomon Islands
- Arutua, Tuamotu Archipelago
- Asanvari, Vanuatu
- Asau, Samoa
- Asmat, Papua New Guinea
- Ataliklikun Bay, Papua New Guinea
- Atiu, Cook Islands
- Atuona (French Polynesia)
- Auckland Islands, New Zealand
- Auckland, New Zealand
- Aukena (Gambier Islands)
- Ayau Atoll, Papua New Guinea
- Bagabag Island, Papua New Guinea
- Bakawari Island, Papua New Guinea
- Banda Islands, Maluka Islands, Indonesia
- Banks Islands, Vanuatu
- Batanta, Indonesia
- Bay of Hienghene, New Caledonia
- Bay of Islands, New Zealand
- Bay Of Plenty, New Zealand
- Belep Island, New Caledonia
- Beqa, Fiji
- Biak, Papua New Guinea
- Bicari Bay, Indonesia
- Bird's Head Seascape, New Guinea Island
- Blenheim, New Zealand
- Bligh Sound, New Zealand
- Bluff, New Zealand
- Blumine Island, New Zealand
- Bodulan Islands, Papua New Guinea
- Bona Bona Island, Papua New Guinea
- Bonarua Island, PNG
- Bora Bora, French Polynesia
- Bougainville Island, Papua New Guinea
- Boulari-Havannah Passage
- Bounty Bay, Pitcairns Island
- Bounty Islands
- Breaksea Island, New Zealand
- Buka Is, Bouganville, Papua New Guinea
- Buliya, Fiji
- Buna, Papua New Guinea
- Calvados Chain, Louisiade Archipelago, Papua New Guinea
- Campbell Island, New Zealand
- Canala, New Caledonia
- Cape Gloucester, New Britain, Papua New Guinea
- Cape Kri, Raja Ampat, West Papua
- Carnley Harbour, New Zealand
- Caroline Islands, Micronesia
- Caswell Sound, New Zealand
- Cenderawasih Bay, Indonesia
- Champagne Bay, Vanuatu
- Charles Sound, New Zealand
- Chatham Islands
- Chesterfield Island, New Caledonia
- Christchurch (Akaroa), New Zealand
- Christchurch (Lyttelton), New Zealand
- Christmas Island, Kiribati
- Cobia Is, Ringgolds, Fiji
- Conflict Islands, Papua New Guinea
- Cook Bay, Moorea (French Polynesia)
- Coromandel Peninsula, New Zealand
- Crown Island
- Crown Island, Papua New Guinea
- D'Entrecasteaux Islands, Papua New Guinea
- d'Urville Island, New Zealand
- Daru, Papua New Guinea
- Deboyne Lagoon
- Deka Deka Island, Papua New Guinea
- Divine Island, New Caledonia
- Dobu Island, Papua New Guinea
- Doini Island, Papua New Guinea
- Doubtful Sound, New Zealand
- Dravuni, Fiji
- Dregerhafen, Papua New Guinea
- Ducie Atoll, Pitcairn Islands
- Duke of York Is, Papua New Guinea
- Dunedin (Port Chalmers), New Zealand
- Dusky Sound, New Zealand
- Efate Islands, Vanuatu
- Egum Atoll, PNG
- Elephant Cove, Coromandel
- Emae Island, Vanuatu
- Enderby Island
- Espiritu Santo Island Vanuatu
- Eua Island, Tonga
- Euaiki, Tonga
- Fais Island, Micronesia
- Fakarava, French Polynesia
- Fanning Isle, Rep of Kiribati
- Fatu Hiva, Marquesa Islands
- Feni Islands, PNG
- Fergusson Islands, Papua New Guinea
- Fiordland National Park, New Zealand
- Florida Islands, Solomon Islands
- Foa Island, Tonga
- Funafuti, Tuvalu
- Gaferut Atoll, Yap State, Micronesia
- Galoa Island, Fiji
- Garove Island, PNG
- George Sound, New Zealand
- Ghizo Is, Solomons
- Gisborne, New Zealand
- Gizo, Ghizo Island, Solomon Islands
- Golden Bay, New Zealand
- Great Barrier Island, New Zealand
- Great Mercury Island, New Zealand
- Green Islands, Papua New Guinea
- Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands
- Guam, USA
- Ha'apai, Tonga
- Hakahetau, Ua Pou Island
- Hanavave (French Polynesia)
- Hansa Bay, Papua New Guinea
- Havannah Boulari Passage
- Havannah Harbour, Vanuatu
- Havannah-Boulari Passage
- Havelock (South), New Zealand
- Hen and Chicken Islands, New Zealand
- Henderson, Pitcairn Islands
- Hidden Bay, Indonesia
- Hienghene, New Caledonia
- Hiva Oa, Marquesa Islands
- Hog Harbour, Vanuatu
- Honiara, Solomon Islands
- Huahine, French Polynesia
- Ifalik Atoll, Yap, FSM
- Iles de Horn, French Polynesia
- Iles Layoute (Loyalty Islands), New Caledonia
- Ilot Maitre, New Caledonia
- Ilot Mato, New Caledonia
- Ilots du Sud, New Caledonia
- Invercargill, New Zealand
- Iron Bottom Sound, Solomon Islands
- Isle of Pines, New Caledonia
- Jackson Bay, New Zealand
- Jacquinot Bay, PNG
- Kabara, Fiji
- Kadavu Group, Fiji
- Kafure, Papua New Guinea
- Kaikoura, New Zealand
- Kaimana, Papua New Guinea
- Kaiteriteri, New Zealand
- Kapingamarangi, FSM
- Kapiti Island, New Zealand
- Karkar Island, Papua New Guinea
- Karumolun Island, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands
- Kavieng, New Ireland, Papua New Guinea
- Kawau Island, New Zealand
- Kei (Kai) Islands, Indonesia
- Kennedy Is, Solomons
- Kermadec Islands
- Kia Island, Fiji
- Kimbe Bay, Papua New Guinea
- Kioa, Fiji
- Kiribati
- Kiriwina Island, Papua New Guinea
- Kitava Island, Trobriand Islands, Papua New Guinea
- Kitikiti Waterfall, Mommon, Indonesia
- Kofiau Island, Raja Ampat
- Kolombangara, Solomon Islands
- Kopar Village, Sepik River, PNG
- Koro Island and Savu Savu Bay, Vanua Levu Island, Fiji
- Kosrae, Micronesia
- Kouare Island, New Caledonia
- Koumac, New Caledonia
- Kri Island, Indonesia
- Kuiawa Island, Papua New Guinea
- Kwatisore, Papua New Guinea
- Lababia, Papua New Guinea
- Lae, Papua New Guinea
- Lakeba, Fiji
- Lamap, Malekula island, Vanuatu
- Lambassa Is, Papua New Guinea
- Lambom, Papua New Guinea
- Lamen Bay, Vanuatu
- Lamotrek Atoll, Caroline Islands
- Lata, Nendo Island
- Laughlan Islands, Papua New Guinea
- Lautoka, Fiji
- Lavena, Taveuni Island, Fiji
- Lelepa, Vanuatu
- Leleuvia, Fiji
- Lembata Island, Indonesia
- Levuka, Fiji
- Lifou, Loyalty Islands
- Liki Island, PNG
- Loh Island, Torres Islands, Vanuatu
- Long Island, Papua New Guinea
- Lopevi Island, Vanuatu
- Lords River, New Zealand
- Louisiade Archipelago
- Luganville, Vanuatu
- Lusancay Islands, PNG
- Macuata, Fiji
- Madang, Papua New Guinea
- Maewo Island, Vanuatu
- Mago Island, Fiji
- Maiao, French Polynesia
- Majuro Atoll, Marshall Islands
- Makatea, French Polynesia
- Makogai Island, Fiji
- Makura Island, Vanuatu
- Malaita Island, Soloman Islands
- Malakula Island, Vanuatu
- Malden Island, Kiribati
- Malekula Island, Vanuatu
- Malolo Islands-Fiji
- Mamanuca Islands, Fiji
- Mamberamo River, Papua New Guinea
- Manam Island, Papua New Guinea
- Manava Cay, Fiji
- Mangalonga Island, Solomon Islands
- Mangareva, Gambier Islands, French Polynesia
- Mangonui, New Zealand
- Manihi Island, Tuamotu Archipelago
- Manihiki Island, Cook Islands
- Manokwari, Papua New Guinea
- Mansinan Island, PNG
- Mansuar Island, Indonesia
- Manus Island, Papua New Guinea
- Mapia Atoll
- Marau Sound, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands
- Mare Island, New Caledonia
- Marlborough Sounds
- Marotiri Island, French Polynesia
- Marovo Lagoon, Solomon Islands
- Marsden Point, New Zealand
- Marshall Bennett Islands, Papua New Guinea
- Maskelyne Islands, Vanuatu
- Mata Utu, Wallis
- Matacawa levu-Fiji
- Mataiva, Tuamotu Islands
- Matakana, New Zealand
- Matuku, Laus
- Maupihaa, Society Islands
- Maupiti
- Mavea Island, Vanuatu
- Mayor Island, (Tuhua) New Zealand
- Mbike Island, Solomon Islands
- Mercury Bay, New Zealand
- Mesemta, Indonesia
- Midway Island, USA
- Milford Sound, New Zealand
- Million Dollar Point, Vanuatu
- Milne Bay, Papua New Guinea
- Mioskon Island, Papua New Guinea
- Moala Island, Fiji
- Mokohinau Islands, New Zealand
- Moorea, French Polynesia
- Mopelia, Society Islands, French Polynesia
- Morobe Harbour, Papua New Guinea
- Moto Lava, Vanuatu
- Motu Ceran (French Polynesia)
- Motu Iriru, French Polynesia
- Motu Iriru, Raiatea
- Motu Maha'ea (French Polynesia)
- Motu Oa and Ua Pou, Marquesas Islands
- Motu Ofetaro, Ra'iatea, French Polynesia
- Motu Piti A'au (French Polynesia)
- Motu Tapu (French Polynesia)
- Motu Tautau, French Polynesia
- Motu Tehutu (French Polynesia)
- Motu Tevairoa, French Polynesia
- Motu Toopua (French Polynesia)
- Motuara Island, New Zealand
- Mount Koghi, New Caledonia
- Mounu Island, Tonga
- Murik Lakes, Sepik River, Papua New Guinea
- Mussau Island, Papua New Guinea
- Mutiny On The Bounty Tonga
- Mystery Island, Vanuatu
- Naigani Island, Fiji
- Nalauwaki Bay-Fiji
- Nananu-i-Ra, Fiji
- Nancy Sound, New Zealand
- Nanumea, Tuvalu
- Nanuya Lailai, Fiji
- Nanuyakoto Lailai, Fiji
- Napier, New Zealand
- Naqelelevu, Fiji
- Naviti Island, Fiji
- Neiafu and Nuku Islands, Vava’u Group, Kingdom of Tonga
- Nelson, New Zealand
- Nendo Island, Solomon Islands
- New Georgia Islands, Solomons
- New Hanover Island, PNG
- New Plymouth, NZ
- Nggela Sule, Solomon Islands
- Ngulu Atoll, Micronesia
- Nguna Island, Vanuatu
- Nissan Island, Papua New Guinea
- Niuafo'ou (Tin Can Island), Tonga
- Niuatoputapu, Kingdom of Tonga
- Niue Island, Niue
- Njari Island, Solomon Islands
- Nomuka Island, Tonga
- Norfolk Island
- North East Island, New Zealand
- Northport, Marsden Point, New Zealand
- Noumea, New Caledonia
- Nuku Hiva, Marquesas Islands
- Nuku'alofa, Tonga Islands
- Nukufetau, Tuvalu
- Nukunonu, Tokelau, New Zealand
- Nukuoro Atoll, FSM
- Nukupule Island, Tonga
- Oban, Halfmoon Bay, Stewart Island
- Obi Island, Maluka Islands, Indonesia
- Oeno Island
- Omoa, Fatu Hiva
- Oneata, Fiji
- Ono-i-Lau Island, Southern Lau Group, Fiji
- Opunohu, Moorea (French Polynesia)
- Oroluk Atoll, FSM
- Ouvea, Loyalty Islands, French Polynesia
- Ovaka, Tonga
- Padaidori Islands, PNG
- Pago Pago American Samoa
- Paihia, New Zealand
- Palau Island, Republic of Palau
- Palmerston Island, Cook Islands
- Palmyra Atoll, USA
- Panapompom Island, Papua New Guinea
- Pangai, Lifuka Island, Kingdom of Tonga
- Papeete, Tahiti
- Papua New Guinea
- Paterson Inlet, New Zealand
- Pavuvu Island, Solomon Islands
- Pele Island, Vanuatu
- Pelorus Sound, New Zealand
- Penrhyn, Cook Islands
- Pentecost Island Vanuatu
- Perseverance Harbour, New Zealand
- Picton, New Zealand
- Pingelap Atoll, Micronesia
- Pitcairn (Adamstown), Pitcairn Islands
- Pohnpei Island, FSM
- Pomio, Papua New Guinea
- Ponape, Marshall Islands
- Port
- Port Adventure, New Zealand
- Port Bouquet Bay New Caledonia
- Port Denarau (Nadi), Fiji
- Port Fitzroy, Great Barrier Is.
- Port Mary, Santa Ana Island
- Port Moresby PNG
- Port Pegasus, New Zealand
- Port Vila Vanuatu
- Poum, New Caledonia
- Preservation Inlet, New Zealand
- Prony Bay, New Caledonia
- Puka Puka, Tuamotu Islands, French Polynesia
- Puka Rua, Tuamotus Islands, French Polynesia
- Pukapuka, Cook Islands
- Pulap Atoll, FSM
- Pulau Arborek, Papua New Guinea
- Pulau Ayu, Indonesia
- Pulau Bungin, Indonesia
- Pulau Gorong
- Pulau Hoga, Indonesia
- Pulau Kital, Indonesia
- Pulau Lamsutu, Indonesia
- Pulau Roon, Papua New Guinea
- Qamea Island, Fjiji
- Qilaqila, Fiji
- Queen Charlotte Sound, New Zealand
- Queenstown, New Zealand
- Ra Island, Vanuatu
- Rabaul, Papua New Guinea
- Rabi Fiji
- Raiatea, French Polynesia
- Raivavae, Austral Islands
- Raja Ampat
- Rakahanga Island, Cook Islands
- Rambutyo Island, Papua New Guinea
- Ramu River, Papua New Guinea
- Rangiroa, French Polynesia
- Ranon, Vanuatu
- Raoul Island, Kermadec Islands
- Rapa, Austral Islands
- Raroia (Raro-nuku), Tuamotu Islands, French Polynesia
- Rarotonga, Cook Islands
- Rauhi Island, Solomon Islands
- Reao, French Polynesia
- Renard Islands, PNG
- Rennell Island, Solomon Islands
- Rikitea (Gamiber Islands)
- Rimatara, Austral Islands
- Rinca, Indonesia
- Ringgold Isles, Fiji
- Riung, Indonesia
- Riviere Bleue, New Caledonia
- Roberton (Motuarohia) Island
- Roderick Bay, Solomon Islands
- Ropa, Indonesia
- Rossel Island, PNG
- Rotorua, New Zealand
- Rotuma, Fiji
- Rurutu, Austral Islands
- Russell Islands, Solomon Islands
- Russell, New Zealand
- Sacred Islands, Fiji
- Safata Bay, Upolu Island, Samoa
- Saipan, Marianas Islands, Micronesia
- Saleia, Matautu Bay, Samoa
- Salisali, Fiji
- Samarai Island, Papua New Guinea
- San Cristobal, Solomon Islands
- Sana Island, Vanuatu
- Santa Ana Is, Solomons
- Santa Isabela Island
- Satawal Island, Yap, Micronesia
- Savai'i Island, Samoa
- Savo Island, Solomons
- Savusavu Fiji
- Sawa-I-Lau Island, Fiji
- Sepik River, PNG
- Ship Cove, New Zealand
- Shortland Islands, Solomon Islands
- Siau Island, Indonesia
- Sissano Lagoon
- Snares Island, New Zealand
- Solomon Islands
- Somosomo, Fiji
- Sorol Atoll
- Sorong, Papua New Guinea
- South West Bay, Vanuatu
- Spice Islands
- Star Harbour, Solomon Islands
- Starbuck Island, Republic of Kiribati
- Supper Cove, New Zealand
- Suva Fiji
- Suwarrow Atoll, Cook Islands
- Tabar Islands, PNG
- Tahaa, French Polynesia
- Tahanea, French Polynesia
- Tahiti
- Tahuata, French Polynesia
- Taiari (Chalky Inlet), New Zealand
- Taiohae (French Polynesia)
- Taka Bonerate National Park, Indonesia
- Takapoto, French Polynesia
- Takaroa Atoll, French Polynesia
- Tami Islands, Papua New Guinea
- Tanimbar Islands, Indonesia
- Tanna and Aniwa Islands, Vanuatu
- Tanna Island, Vanuatu
- Tarakohe, New Zealand
- Tauranga, New Zealand
- Tavanipupu, Solomon Islands
- Taveuni Island (Naselesele), Fiji
- Te Anau, New Zealand
- Tegua, Vanuatu
- Teluk Berau, Indonesia
- Ternate Island, Maluka Islands, Indonesia
- Tetepare, Solomon Islands
- Tetiaroa, Society Islands
- The Pyramid, New Zealand
- Thompson Sound, New Zealand
- Tikehau, Tahiti
- Tikihau, Tuamotu Archipelago
- Tikopia Is, Solomons
- Timaru, New Zealand
- Timbunke, Papua New Guinea
- Timika, Papua New Guinea
- Tingwon Island, Papua New Guinea
- Tiritiri Matangi Island, New Zealand
- Tivua Island, Fiji
- Toau, French Polynesia
- Tomman Island, Vanuatu
- Tongatapu, Tonga
- Tonoas Island, Chuuk, Micronesia
- Torres Islands, Vanuatu
- Tory Channel, New Zealand
- Toyota Island, Fiji
- Trobriand Islands, Papua New Guinea
- Truk (Chuuk), Micronesia
- Tsoi Island, Papua New Guinea
- Tsoilik Island, Solomon Islands
- Tuam Island, Papua New Guinea
- Tuamotu Atolls, French Polynesia
- Tubuai Islands, French Polynesia
- Tufi Harbour, Papua New Guinea
- Tulagi, Solomons
- Turtle Island, Fiji
- Ua Huka, Marquesa Islands, French Polynesia
- Ua Pou, Marquesa Islands, French Polynesia
- Uepi Island, Solomon Islands
- Ulithi Atoll
- Ulva Island, New Zealand
- Umboi Island, Papua New Guinea
- Uoleva Island, Tonga
- Uratu, Papua New Guinea
- Ureparapara Island, Vanuatu
- Urupukapuka Island, New Zealand
- Utupua Is, Solomons
- Vairao, Tahiti Iti
- Vanikoro, Solomon Islands
- Vanimo Island, PNG
- Vanua Balavu, Lau Islands, Fiji
- Vanua Levu, Fiji
- Vanua Vatu, Fiji
- Vatu Vara, Fiji
- Vatu-i-Ra, Fiji
- Vavau, Tonga
- Vella Lavella Is. Solomons
- Vila, Vanuatu
- Vitu (Witu) Islands, Papua New Guinea
- Vona Vona Lagoon, Solomon Islands
- Vuaqava, Fiji
- Vulaga Island, Southern Lau Group, Fiji
- Wagifa Island, PNG
- Waigeo Island, Papua New Guinea
- Waiheke Island, New Zealand
- Wailagilala Island, Fiji
- Waisisi, Tanna Island, Vanuatu
- Waitangi, New Zealand
- Wakatobi National Marine Park, Indonesia
- Wala, Vanuatu
- Wallis & Futuna Islands
- Watam, Papua New Guinea
- Waya Islands-Fiji
- Wayag Island, Indonesia
- Wellington, New Zealand
- Western Samoa
- Westport, New Zealand
- Wewak, Papua New Guinea
- Whangamumu Harbour, New Zealand
- Whangarei, New Zealand
- Whangaroa Harbour, New Zealand
- White Island, New Zealand
- Whitianga, New Zealand
- Woleai Island, French Polynesia
- Woodlark Island, PNG
- Wuvulu Island, Papua New Guinea
- Yadua Tabu, Fiji
- Yagasa, Fiji
- Yalobi Village - Fiji
- Yanuca (Yanutha) Island, Fiji
- Yap Islands, Micronesia
- Yasawa Islands, Fiji
- Yasawa-I-Rara Island, Fiji
- Yenwaupnor, Raja Ampat, Indonesia

South Pacific & New Zealand
South Pacific cruises are extremely popular with increasing numbers of ships domiciled in or visiting the region each year.
At some time in our lives we'd all love to leave our footprints on a white sand beach in Fiji, Noumea, Vanuatu, or Tahiti, or explore the contrast of the Australian Coast; or snorkel the crystal clear waters of the Great Barrier Reef or enjoy the magnificent scenery of New Zealand.
It is here, in Australia and the South Pacific, that natural beauty abounds. Fascinating people inhabit peaceful islands and charming cities.
A cruise from Australia to New Zealand and/or the South Pacific, can fulfill almost every exotic adventure that a serious traveller could dream of. The beauty of many of these itineraries is that you can see as much of the South Pacific as you like in one cruise.
An Australia/South Pacific Cruise can take you to many ports, depending upon your ship and sailing date.
Some of the Australian and South Pacific cruises are now part of world cruise itineraries and can include fly/cruise options.
Cruise types
The range of cruises available means travelers are spoilt for choice and include:
French Polynesia has two major cruise ships based their year round as well as a Freighter cruise operator and a small crewed yacht operator – something for everyone. Cruises operate from Tahiti or Bora Bora and cover the Society Islands and the Marquesas. The islands have a rich history and culture, rugged beauty.
Fiji has two resident small ship operators offering 3, 4 and 7 day cruises primarily through the Yasawa islands which are north and west of the main island of Viti Levu.
New Zealand, New Caledonia and Vanuatu are all cruised to from Australia. A year round series of cruises to these destinations keeps ships busy from Sydney. Melbourne and Brisbane. The Australia New Zealand cruises are often operated by visiting ships to the South Pacific and operate from November to March as they cruise around the south of New Zealand’s South Island.
Trans Pacific and World cruises give a choice of longer ocean crossings. They cross the International Date Line so east bound cruises gain a day and west bound cruises lose a day in their itineraries.
Cruise seasons
Local cruises operate year round from Australia, Fiji and Tahiti. The Australia/New Zealand cruises sail between October and March as do the Trans Pacific/World sectors
Main ports
Cruises from Australia depart from Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne and Auckland is the main port for New Zealand. Fiji cruises depart from Lautoka and Tahiti cruises depart from Papeete or Bora Bora.
Tahiti, Fiji, Vanuatu and New Caledonia experience warmer and rainier months from November to April, the rest of the year is pleasant and drier. New Zealand cruises operate in its summer so days are pleasant but it is cooler round the bottom of the South Island and warm clothes and rain gear are useful.
Photo Credit: Dan Freeman on Unsplash